Sunday, 26 September 2010

You belong to me

Today I went to get a haircut and the hairdresser was making small talk with me. After she found out I was on an exchange from New Zealand she asked me, "Are you homesick?" I immediately answered, "No." 

Afterwards I thought about what she'd asked me. And I realised that I don't really feel homesick as such, but I do miss all the people that I love back home. I think I've missed them since day one. Maybe that's the same thing as being homesick. 

There's this song called "You Belong To Me" by Jason Wade, and it featured in the first Shrek film. It's really beautiful, and I think it captures how I'm feeling pretty well: 

See the pyramids around the Nile
Watch the sun rise from the tropic isle
Just remember darling all the while
You belong to me

See the marketplace in old Algiers
Send me photographs and souvenirs
Just remember when a dream appears
You belong to me

And I'll be so alone without you
Maybe you'll be lonesome too

Fly the ocean in a silver plane
See the jungle when it's wet with rain
Just remember til you're home again
You belong to me

Right now I'm having one of the best experiences of my life, and although I've met some awesome new people, they can't replace the awesome people I already have in my life. They can't replace you. And just as I belong to you, you belong to me. I miss you.


Wednesday, 22 September 2010

The bed intruder song

The "Bed Intruder Song" has added a wealth of joy to my life: it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen and heard on YouTube. I feel a bit behind the times because this video has already had over 20 million views and I only discovered it last week. But better late than never, right?

You first need to watch this clip to understand the context of the song:

Now you're ready to have YOUR life changed by the song (if you haven't already experienced it). Get excited:

I love this song SO much. Have a great day! (Well, I know you will, thanks to the song.)


Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Those roses smell nice

There's this awesome website called, where the writer uses Venn diagrams and graphs to express quips and life truths. This is one of my favourites, titled "Those roses smell nice":

My challenge for this week is to try to recognise and appreciate the amazing events that happen in my every day. Let's smell those roses.

Have a good one.


Monday, 20 September 2010

How to have a rich and meaningful life

My awesome friend and fellow Maxim alumnus Amelia Abplanalp recently posted an article by Mark Sayers on her Facebook wall. It's a short blog piece entitled "How To Have a Rich and Meaningful Life", and he talks about the things that really matter in life from the vantage point of imminent death. He writes:

"When you spend time with people who are in the last months and weeks of their life you notice that they gain a unique perspective on life. That which is marginal and unimportant drops away, and two things come into a sharp focus, the spiritual and their closest relationships. ...

One day as you face your own death, things will also become crystal clear for you.

On your deathbed you will not wish that you had spent more time playing computer games.

On your deathbed you will not wish that you had a cooler car.

On your deathbed you will not wish that you had spent more time travelling.

On your deathbed you will not wish that you had downloaded more music.

On your deathbed you will not wish that you had watched more DVD series.

On your deathbed you will not wish that you had spent more time in front of the computer.

On your deathbed you will think of God, eternity, your family and those you are in covenantal relationship with. Why not learn from those who are close to death, those with the clearest view and change your focus, to look at your life differently? ...

Why not now begin to cultivate and commit to the life-long covenantal relationships that will enrich your life?"

I really enjoyed reading this article. It's stuff that I already know in my head, but it was good to be reminded of the truly important things in life. I tend to forget the things that really matter as I get swept up in the mundane busyness of my every day, and so often I get distracted by all the different events and happenings that constantly call out for my attention. But when push comes to shove in terms of what life is all about, it's about people, it's about intentional community, it's about God, and it's about genuine relationships. It's about investing in and being vulnerable with the people in your life that you have the opportunity and potential to form long-lasting, authentic bonds with. It's about knowing and being known, and being deliberate about it all.

I've been blessed with so many amazing people in my life already, and thankfully I'm continuously meeting new people that I can form covenantal relationships with. I think I really need to work on sustaining the relationships that I already have, and forging strong new ties while I'm in the States. Really manage my finite time and resources wisely to these ends, you know? I hope that, through a bit of grace, and with a bit of help from my friends, I can keep it up and make it happen.

Have the greatest day.


Sunday, 19 September 2010

Just me and some thoughts

So, I've finally gotten around to creating a blog. I had been intending to make one before coming to the States to document my USA exchange and travels, but ironically America and UVA Law School got in the way. But no more excuses.

Actually, the incident that gave me the real motivation to start up this blog happened about a week ago. I was hanging out with the girls from the Law Christian Fellowship Monday Night Ladies' Bible Study Group at my uninspired Copeley flat, and we were talking about how to cultivate happiness and meaning in our lives on a daily basis. My wise and wonderful friend Holly Vradenburgh shared that she keeps a record of all the things that she comes across that enrich her life, to periodically reflect on and grow from. Quotes from movies, things from daily conversations, stuff online, passages from books, poetry, song lyrics, et cetera. As I was listening, I had a mepiphany (mini epiphany): I should keep a record of all the things that I come across that enrich my life - via a blog! So here we are.

This blog is going to be a collection of pure awesomeness. Things that make me laugh, think, smile and cry; things that move me. Coupled with the things I get up to and the things that find themselves in my head: I have experiences, I have thoughts, and I wish to share them with people who care. Basically, things that make my life brighter. The idea is that as this blog expands, it will serve to be an archive of all this wonderful stuff that I can return to and continuously learn from and/or find joy in. And hopefully it will make your life a little bit brighter too.

I'm pumped about this.
